This program can analyze and scan your Bluetooth network, giving detailed informations about local and remote devices found. You can also browse supported services of each device in a clear and straightforward user-interface. If you have a Bluetooth dongle installed on your PC, download "Medieval Bluetooth Network Scanner" now, it's totally free of charge and very handly! Windows XP SP1 (or above) and Windows Vista are both fully supported. Works with native Microsoft Bluetooth stack only!
Main features:
Easy to use, simple, intuitive and really powerfull user-interface;
Both scan remote devices (phones, PDAs, smartphones, computers, devices, etc) and local devices (all Bluetooth dongles installed on your system);
View your phones and services in several formats: Large Icons, Small Icons, Tiles, Details, List ... like Windows Explorer;
You can save a lot of device and service informations to clipboard by a simple right-click over the desiderd field;
Explore full details of your phone by double-clicking on it when network scan is terminated;
Detect device capabilities along with device informations and device address;
You can deeply scan all services of every single Bluetooth device;
Built-in easy to use and simple device authentication feature;
Unique cache system to speed-up known devices and services;
Compatible with Windows Vista at 100%
This software also supports the following language version:English,Italian